The legal industry is incredibly demanding. Attorneys and their supporting legal staff members must not only provide their clients with the best legal counsel they can provide but also track multiple cases at a time, maintain solid scheduling practices, and handle all the obligations that come with running any kind of successful business.
With all of these responsibilities, many attorneys may wonder how they can find the time to manage all the various aspects of their businesses while still providing the best legal counsel possible. Luckily, there are many helpful apps available today that have been specifically designed for attorneys and their staff. The right apps can help you keep things organized and streamlined to ensure a successful practice.
We’ve collected a list of some of the highest-rated and most deeply functional legal apps available today. Read through this list and consider trying a few of them for yourself to see if they can help you boost productivity and efficiency in your firm.
Are you interested in a fantastic management app that allows you to seamlessly blend scheduling, messaging, and document storage in a single platform? Clio is available completely for free on both iOS and Android. Currently, most legal professionals consider Clio the gold standard when it comes to legal apps. You can blend your Outlook, Dropbox, and other file storage and email accounts into a handy planning tool that offers time tracking, file management, scheduling, billing, and much more.
If you enjoy using Clio, you should definitely try Lexicata, a partner app designed to become your new go-to client relationship management tool. You can use Lexicata to assign administrative tasks and review your digital marketing efforts in real time. Though not a free app, Clio will provide you with a quote for your firm if you decide to implement it. Lexicata is available for a free trial, so be sure to experiment with it and see how it flows with your Clio configuration.
How many times have you been out of the office and suddenly needed to access a file that’s on your desktop computer? With TeamViewer, this situation won’t be a problem for you anymore. This is a highly secure app that allows you and your team remote access to your desktop computers from your mobile devices. Access documents, download files, and send files from your desktop remotely from anywhere in the world. The TeamViewer app is available for both iOS and Android. It will cost anywhere from $49 to $199 per month depending on the number of users in your firm who will need it, and it’s free for personal use.
Depositions are some of the most important legal proceedings attorneys conduct for virtually every case they take. The Depose app makes taking depositions seamless and easy. For only $8 on Android via the Google Play Store, you can now take depositions using your mobile device, capture signatures, and even attach exhibits and other documents to your depositions seamlessly.
Paperwork is a crucial part of the modern legal world. As an attorney, you likely read through dozens of documents every day. The GoodReader app makes it easy for you to read, edit, and manage documents, and the app also syncs up nicely with your Dropbox, Outlook, and many other file storage accounts. GoodReader also allows you to create, view, and edit PDF files, and you can do all of this for just $6, only on iOS.
Most attorneys need to keep careful track of all types of notes, from handwritten reminders to interview notes, business cards, and other bits of information. Evernote allows you to track all these vital bits of information in an easy-to-navigate platform. Evernote also integrates easily with Google Drive, Slack, Dropbox, Outlook, and more. You can use this app to share notes and other saved bits of information quickly and easily with your team through your mobile device. The basic version of Evernote is free on both iOS and Android, and you have the option to pay extra for premium features.
Legal research is crucial for any case, and Westlaw has been the preferred resource for attorneys due to the accuracy and thoroughness of this carefully maintained legal database. Westlaw Edge is the new mobile app that makes legal research a breeze no matter where you are. Whether you need to look up some last-minute info in the courtroom or simply want a convenient second screen for your research while you keep your brief open on your desktop display, Westlaw Edge is the way to go. There is a free trial available for both iOS and Android, but the subscription price varies based on included features. You can also subscribe to the Westlaw Essentials or Westlaw Premium subscription services, which run $60 per month to $147 per month respectively for one to six attorneys.
File sharing is an essential component of operating a successful law firm. You no longer need to bring boxes of files into the courtroom thanks to Dropbox, which is perhaps one of the most important apps for any lawyer to have. Dropbox is secure, reliable, and accessible from almost any internet-connected device. It’s also free for both iOS and Android.
Signatures are important in the legal field, and SignMyPad allows you to quickly and easily obtain signatures on your mobile device or tablet computer. You no longer need to fax documents back and forth for signatures, simply download the SignMyPad app for just $5.49 on the Apple App Store, upload your documents, and obtain the signatures you need quickly and easily. Unfortunately, SignMyPad is not yet available for Android devices.
Try downloading some of these apps and take advantage of the free trial offers for the paid apps to see how they can change the way you operate your firm. At RizeUp Media, our goal is to help law firms like yours operate more efficiently, attract more clients, and cultivate strong professional reputations. If you have questions about the best legal apps for your business or you want to revamp the communication network inside your law firm, we can help. Contact RizeUp Media today for more information about the best apps for law firms and learn how our team can empower yours with our digital marketing services.
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